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with the theme Frogs & Toads


Frogs and toads are amphibians. Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits, protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds or lakes, and their larvae, called tadpoles, have gills and develop in water. Adult frogs are carnivorous, with an appetite for, among other things, worms, insects, slugs and snails. In addition to their ecological importance, frogs and toads have many cultural roles, such as in literature, symbolism and religion, and they are also valued as food and as pets. Frog and Toad are the main characters in a series of easy-reader children's books, written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel. Toad is also a main character in the Kenneth Grahame book/film Wind in the Willows.

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